
How To Add Background In Teams

One of the most popular collaborating applications on the planet, Microsoft Teams, is widely lauded for its range of professional features. Microsoft has taken great care in creating an application that caters to all your business needs, and that lone could've easily helped it become ane of the best apps in the segment. Microsoft, however, is far from beingness complacent.

Microsoft Teams takes keen pride in making y'all or your organisation appear more than professional person. And fugitive accidental background bloopers, while working from home, is an absolute necessity. So, to make sure at that place is zilch embarrassing or distracting going on when you lot're on a briefing call, Microsoft lets you mistiness the background or choose a custom background.

  • Tin can you lot accept a custom background in Microsoft Teams
  • How to change a groundwork in Microsoft Teams?
  • Can I add a background to Microsoft Teams?
  • How to add a personalized background to Microsoft Teams
    • Method #1: From directly within Teams desktop customer
    • Method #2: Adding images to the Uploads folder manually
  • Hither are some Microsoft Teams backgrounds you tin can download
  • Microsoft Teams custom background overview video
  • How to blur the background in Teams video call
    • Keyboard shortcut
    • The conventional way to blur background
  • Why background blur is not working for me on Microsoft Teams

Tin can you have a custom groundwork in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft took its sweet time with the feature but currently has a completely customizable virtual groundwork system in place. In its early on days, users weren't allowed to add together custom backgrounds, but now, they're allowed to. The unabridged process is smooth and requires almost no technical expertise.

How to change a background in Microsoft Teams?

Earlier we larn how to add a new groundwork, it's important to know how to utilize a background inside a Microsoft Teams coming together.

Hither'due south how to select an already available background on your Microsoft Teams meeting.

First, Join a meeting. You can outset the meeting with the Mistiness upshot applied, BTW. Now, while in the meeting, click the iii-dot card push button in the bottom bar.

Then, click background effects.

Next, you volition get the 'Background settings' menu in the right pane. It has a list of custom backgrounds too as the Blur option. Click on the groundwork to select it, and then click on the Preview button at the bottom of the right pane to get a preview of that groundwork. You tin try unlike backgrounds that are listed here, depending on what you think suits your meetings best.

To apply the background, make sure y'all have selected it, and then click on the Apply button.

Can I add a background to Microsoft Teams?

Well, yes. Meet the next section on how to exercise that hands once you lot take the custom backgrounds characteristic enabled.

How to add a personalized background to Microsoft Teams

You can apply your own custom groundwork on Teams in two ways – one if you lot have the item option in Microsoft Teams desktop customer and the other if such an option isn't bachelor on your Teams app.

Method #1: From directly inside Teams desktop client

To add a custom background to Microsoft Teams easily, join a Teams meeting and click on the three-dot button within the coming together controls at the lesser. When a bill of fare appears, select 'Prove Background Effects' from the options.

When the 'Background Settings' sidebar pops up from the right-hand side, click on the '+ Add new' button and select an paradigm from your library that you want to set equally your background.

Your selected image will be available for y'all to be applied within the 'Groundwork Settings' sidebar and you can apply information technology to install the groundwork and set up it as your default groundwork.

Method #2: Adding images to the Uploads binder manually

If Microsoft doesn't offer yous the pick to let you add your own custom background for meetings, and so the following method will help you manually set a custom background.

► How to add a custom background in Microsoft Teams quickly

Kickoff, navigate to the Uploads directory of Microsoft Teams on your PC:

  • For macOS: Go to Users > (username) > Library > Application > Support > Microsoft > Teams > Backgrounds> Uploads
    (Shortcut: copy this text to the address and hitting the enter key: ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/Backgrounds/Uploads)
  • For Windows: Go to C Drive (or where Windows is installed), and so become to Users > (username) > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > Teams > Backgrounds > Uploads
    (Shortcut: copy this text to the address and hitting the enter primal: %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams\Backgrounds\Uploads)

Now, copy your favorite images that you wish to utilise as groundwork in your Microsoft Teams meetings to the 'Uploads' binder and close the File Explorer.

Then Open the Microsoft Teams app on your PC. Initiate a video call or meeting. Click on the '3-dot' menu button in the calling bar at the bottom and then click on 'Testify background effects'.

This will load the backgrounds on the right side of the screen. The backgrounds you copied to the Uploads directory to a higher place on your Windows PC or Mac will also exist available there. You lot may need to scroll down to find your own background. Click on the background to select information technology, and so click the 'Utilize' button to utilize information technology as your custom background.

Here are some Microsoft Teams backgrounds you can download

We have a ton of free groundwork images that you can download and employ equally a custom background for your Microsoft Teams meeting. Bank check out the links below:

  • All-time Teams backgrounds for download
  • The office backgrounds for Teams
  • Studio Ghibli backgrounds for Teams
  • Funny backgrounds for Teams
  • Disney and Pixar backgrounds for Teams
  • Premium backgrounds for Teams
  • Best Zoom backgrounds (works on Teams)

Microsoft Teams custom groundwork overview video

Bank check out this video by Microsoft Teams' Mike Tholfsen, Product Manager on the #MicrosoftEDU team, that gives you a adept overview of the feature.

RELATED: How to blur the groundwork in a photo: Snapseed | PicsArt | Best apps

How to mistiness the background in Teams video call

Microsoft is all about ease of use, and this feature isn't an bibelot. There are ii ways you tin enable groundwork mistiness.

Keyboard shortcut

You can, of course, too opt to toggle in background blur while you're on a video conference. Apart from the conventional click-and-select, there's a handy keyboard shortcut.

Press  CTRL+Shift+P to toggle on background blurring.

The conventional way to mistiness background

While on a video phone call, click on the Ellipsis (vertical iii-dot) icon. Then click on Show background effects. (There used to be a 'Blur my background' option correct hither before Microsoft introduced the custom background feature. At present, Blur has been grouped with custom backgrounds but).

You will get the 'Groundwork settings' menu in the right pane. Information technology has a list of custom backgrounds besides equally the Blur option.

Click on the Blur option (correct on the superlative) to select it, and and then click on the Preview push at the bottom of the right pane to get a preview of it on your video. Click Utilize to get the blur outcome on your video.

Your background volition be blurred instantly.

Why background blur is not working for me on Microsoft Teams

Background blur is an AI-driven feature that uses AVX2 to recognize your facial outlines. So, if you have a decade-old PC or tablet, chances are, background mistiness won't work every bit advertised.


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How To Add Background In Teams,


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