
How To Cut Out An Image With A Clear Background In Corel Photo Paint

Today, we are going to explore different ways to remove the background from images in CorelDRAW and Corel Photo-PAINT.

PowerClip in CorelDRAW

This is i of the easier and most popular ways to remove the background of an paradigm. Here you volition exist placing i or more objects "inside" a vector object. This is specially useful if the image that you want to remove the background from has well defined edges.

A skillful case would be a photo of the Globe, which would be plenty to draw an ellipse and suit information technology to the shape of the planet.

Adjacent, select the paradigm, and become to the Object > PowerClip > Identify within frame, an arrow volition appear and you lot will click on the ellipse to bespeak it is a container.

When you click it volition remove everything outside of the object y'all created. From here you can remove the ellipse outline and add another image to use every bit the new background.

Of grade, it'due south non always that piece of cake, since objects are not always and then geometric.

This flower is a groovy example, the simplest solution for creating the outline is to draw information technology. Y'all tin utilise the Pencil Tool (F5) and trace it. There are dissimilar pencil options (Freehand, Bézier, Pen, etc.), experience free to use the tool you're the almost comfortable with, the final result is exactly the same with each one.

The steps are similar to the previous example: select the image, go to the menu Object > PowerClip > Place inside frame, an pointer will appear, and you lot'll click on the outline you lot've drawn.

Now just like earlier you can add together a new groundwork to the image.

However, information technology is not e'er so piece of cake. Drawing the outline tin sometimes accept a lot of time and try, peculiarly for beginners. In that case, I have a niggling trick: vectorize the image so utilise the vector as a frame to create your PowerClip.

PowerTRACE in CorelDRAW

To open PowerTRACE yous tin can correct click on the image and select Outline Trace > Loftier Quality Epitome, or in the Properties Bar Bitmap > Outline Trace > Loftier Quality Image.

In that location are unlike configurations co-ordinate to the type of prototype, either a high-contrast image (Line Art), a logo, clipart, etc to a loftier-quality image. In this case you are only using the vector to create your frame, so you lot could as well utilise Quick Trace. You tin can observe information technology by right clicking and selecting Quick Trace, or in the Properties Bar Bitmap > Quick Trace. I recommend using the High quality image option because it gives you more flexibility and it can remove the background, either automatically or by selecting the color to eliminate.

The result is a group of objects, you can piece of work with. Side by side, we go to the Object > Shaping > Purlieus to automatically draw the outer of your image.

The consequence volition be an object in the shape of your prototype, information technology can be adapted if yous need to make corrections or modifications.

Over again, we select the original image, nosotros go to the bill of fare PowerClip > Place inside frame, an pointer will appear, then click on the outline you lot created.

With that you volition have eliminated the background of the image, but also perfected the edges of information technology, helping to increase the quality.


Since Corel PHOTO-Paint is the image editor included in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, information technology's the best option when yous have more than complex images to remove the background from.

To quickly open your image in Corel Photo-PAINT from CorelDRAW select the prototype and in the Properties Bar click on the Edit Bitmap icon. The advantage of doing it this mode is and then when y'all terminate the editing the image in Photo-Paint it will be in the aforementioned position and with the same size in CorelDRAW.

Once PHOTO-Pigment opens, take the Magic Wand Tool, which we find within the Mask Tools group on the Toolbar.
Tip: if you printing the W key, the Magic Wand Tool is automatically activated.

If the background is a uniform color, just select it with a click. But since you need to select everything except the background go to Mask > Invert Mask (Ctrl + Shift + I).

Y'all can refine the choice using the different Mask tools if necessary. Once y'all're happy with your choice, nosotros simply click Finish Editing button in the Backdrop Bar to shut the plan. You will exist prompted to save your changes, click Yeah.

That will return you to CorelDRAW, with your edited image ready to utilise other effects if needed (for example, with the Drop Shadow Tool). It's important to think that the weight of the image does not change, since the background is no longer visible, but the image has been cropped.

At present, as yous know, it is not always then simple nor is the background uniform. If the background is conspicuously separated from the object you lot want to crop, we tin withal use the to a higher place method.

As in the previous instance, we select the prototype in CorelDRAW and click on the Edit Bitmap icon, and that will open up the paradigm in PHOTO-PAINT. Unlike the previous one, if you click with the Magic Wand tool, it does not select the entire background.

You can employ the selection icon in condiment mode, which ways that it volition add colors to your selection. Click on all the colors in the background to complete your option.

Tip: You can increase or subtract the tolerance, the caste of departure betwixt one colour and another, that the Magic Wand tool identifies. Be careful, that when yous select colors they don't announced on the expanse yous want to keep.

Tip: You lot tin can besides use any of the other Mask tools to select or remove option areas, to obtain a more verbal mask, according to the image.

From there information technology's the same process every bit the previous i: Mask > Capsize Mask, and Finish Editing. You can now save and close the file.

Cutout Lab

What about more circuitous selections, like pilus? Or when information technology is very hard to select the background? The answer is the Cutout Lab.

Again, we select the paradigm in CorelDRAW and click the Edit Bitmap icon, but this fourth dimension, when opening PHOTO-Pigment, become to Image > Cutout Lab.

A new dialog box opens. There yous will accept the Highlighter Tool activated (top correct).

Yous will apply the Highlighter Tool to trace the edge of the area you lot want to separate. It doesn't have to be verbal, only the better defined, the ameliorate the result. We can change the thickness past adjusting Neb size, and you will also have an Eraser tool to correct the pick.

It's important that the selected expanse is a "closed" expanse, since side by side you are going to filling it in. If in that location is an open up area, the make full won't apply correctly.

Once yous're happy with your outlined area, take the Inside Fill Tool and apply it to the interior of the surface area, in this example the fill will be blueish.

Tip 1: You can change the Highlight colour and Fill color to fit your preference. Some people volition lucifer the colors of the paradigm.

Tip 2: You can employ the Cutout results department to set up your prefrences. Cutout (default option) will cut the image and discard the original and then the bodily size in pixels will exist smaller and therefore the image volition be lighter. Cutout and original image, creates an object from the cutout and preserves the original image, keeping the paradigm size same. The last option is Cutout equally clip mask, to make the cut by generating a layer mask (similar to what yous go with the Mask tools).

Click Ok in the Cutout Lab to apply your changes. Then similar in the previous examples, just select the Finish Editing button or shut the program. If you take not saved it, the program will ask us if we want to, in which instance click Yes.

And your image is set up to exist applied on a different background in CorelDRAW, which tin can be vector or it can be another paradigm.

However, if you want the result to exist more realistic, the best choice is to apply PHOTO-Pigment to apply the background. Select the whole epitome (Mask > Select Entire Prototype or Ctrl + A), you copy information technology (Edit > Copy or Ctrl + C ), and open another paradigm (File > Open or Ctrl + O) and paste the image (Edit > Paste or Ctrl + V). That will identify it as a new object, where you lot tin can adjust the size and position as needed.

Tip: I recommend that you select images that are as close in size and resolution as possible, so that the fusion of images is more realistic.

As you can meet, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite gives you lot multiple options, from the simplest to the most exact. There are a wide range of options available to solve all kinds of problems and situations with professional results.

How To Cut Out An Image With A Clear Background In Corel Photo Paint,


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